3-1. In Mesopotamia, ______ scenes reinforced the king’s reputation as a courageous leader a. farming b. hunting c. gathering d. birthing e. all of the above 3-2. In the 5th century BCE, the largest empire in the world was the a. Greek b. Persian c. Assyrian d. Babylonian e. none of the above 3-3. Persian Architecture forms included elements derived from the a. Greeks b. Egyptians c. Mesopotamians d. a and c e. all of the above 3-4. The Egyptian “Old Kingdom Style” is characterized by a. restraint and simplicity b. exuberance and complexity c. dense surface detail d. b and c e. none of the above 3-5. The Egyptian queen incarnated the female deity a. Hathor b. Menkaure c. Khamerernebty d. a and c e. all of the above 3-6. The Taj Mahal was built by Shah Jahan as a a. place to give handouts to the poor b. mausoleum c. monument to love d. all of the above e. none of the above 3-7. Bronze casting was introduced to the Benin kingdom by the ____ people. a. Ife b. Asanti c. Senufo d. Dogon e. all except ___above 3-8. In the Benin kingdom, plaques featuring ____ adorned the palace walls? a. kings b. court officials c. ceremonial symbols d. a and c e. none of the above 3-9. After an Asante king’s death, his soul is said to reside in his a. Kente regalia b. seated sculpture c. finial d. stool e. none of the above 3-10. During his lifetime, the Kuba King’s ndop sculpture was treated as a a. proxy for the king b. child of the king c. shunned person d. b and c e. all of the above 3-11. Trajan’s column celebrated his conquest of the _____ territories a. Macedonian b. Egyptian c. Dacian d. Syrian e. none of the above 3-12. The equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius is extremely _____ in style a. naturalistic b. abstract c. geometric d. orthogonal e. none of the above 3-13. The Suleymani mosque was built to emulate the a. Taj Mahal b. Hagia Sophia c. Pyramid of Khufu d. Great Temple at Tenochtitlan e. none of the above 3-14. The Bayeux tapestry tells the story of the a. succession to the throne of England b. ancestry of Prussian Kings c. Anglo-Saxon conquest of Asia d. a and c e. none of the above 3-15. The city of Anghor, Cambodia, featured a. over a thousand temples and palaces b. a vast irrigation system c. the largest Hindu temple in the world d. all of the above e. none of the above